
Оборот «for + существительное (местоимение) + инфинитив»

Оборот «for + существительное (местоимение) + инфинитив» The for – to – infinitive construction. Оборот состоит из: For + существительного в общем падеже + инфинитив или For + местоимения в именительном падеже + инфинитив

Оборот for плюс существительное плюс инфинитив
Оборот for

В этой конструкции действие, выраженное инфинитивом, относится к существительному или местоимению, которым предшествует предлог for. Весь оборот выступает как сложный член предложения, способный выполнять функции: подлежащего, части сказуемого, обстоятельства или определения.

Оборот for

Как следует из таблицы, перевод оборота зависит от выполняемой им функции, при этом предлог for опускается, а весь оборот переводится придаточным предложением соответственно функции.

Оборот for плюс существительное плюс инфинитив
ПодлежащееIt is necessary for a doctor to be patient.Врачу необходимо быть терпеливым.
Часть сказуемогоIt is for her to decide.Это она должна решить.
ОбстоятельствоHe stepped aside for her to pass.Он отошел в сторону, чтобы она могла пройти.
ОпределениеThe first thing for him to do is to ring her up.Первое, что он должен сделать, это позвонить ей.


Упражнение 16. Укажите for-to-infinitive-construction в предложениях. Предложения переведите.
( Скачать и распечатать: Упражнение 16. )

  1. It was impossible for me to solve this problem myself.
  2. She was waiting for somebody to come.
  3. The lady was speaking too fast for me to get her.
  4. He asked for the papers to be brought.
  5. I am anxious (мне очень хочется) for Mr. Smith to succeed in all he undertakes.
  6. The best thing for you to do is to meet him.
  7. He spoke loud enough for you to hear.
  8. She was impatient for him to be gone.
  9. There was really nothing for him to do there.
  10. For a force to exist there must be two objects involved.
  11. The temperature was too low for the substance to decompose.
  12. The tendence was for the gas to become ionized.
  13. It is possible for the reaction to occur.
  14. The only conclusion for him to make was the following one.
  15. The motion took place long enough for the bodies to become heated.

Упражнение 17. В следующих предложениях определите тип инфинитивной конструкции и переведите предложения.
( Скачать и распечатать: Упражнение 17. )

  1. The engineers of that plant are said to have constructed a new device.
  2. We want you to see the new university building.
  3. The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year.
  4. We suppose the construction of that building to be completed in a week.
  5. The construction of that building is supposed to be completed in a week.
  6. He is sure to call on us today.
  7. She waited for him to speak.
  8. They are certain to cope with the problem facing them.
  9. We think them to build the pipeline next month.
  10. This pipeline is thought to be built next autumn.
  11. That was for him to find out.
  12. The engineer believes the mechanic to finish repairing the engine ahead of time.
  13. The mechanic is believed to finish repairing the engine ahead of time.
  14. He appears to have been reading the book since 10 o’clock in the morning.
  15. I hope you won’t think it very odd for a perfect stranger to talk to you like this.
  16. I heard somebody mention his name at the last meeting.
  17. He seems to have travelled much.
  18. This experiment is said to have been completed successfully.
  19. He wanted me to follow him.
  20. This issue is unlikely to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
  21. Nobody watched her dance.
  22. It was necessary for you to hear him report on the results of his experiments.
  23. She didn’t expect me to do it so quickly.
  24. We noticed a taxi stop at the door.
  25. It is impossible for them to complete the work so quickly without using this device.

Упражнение 18. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты.
( Скачать и распечатать: Упражнение 18. )

  1. Heat was for a long time thought to be an invisible all-pervading fluid.
  2. Air was considered by the ancients to be an element.
  3. A number of salts have been prepared in the laboratory which have not been found to occur naturally.
  4. This state of motion gives a representation of what is supposed to be condition of matter in its gaseous state.
  5. Scientists assume the atomic weight of carbon to be integral.
  6. Recent research has shown the nucleus to be an exceedingly complex structure.
  7. Joule and other scientists proved heat to be a form of energy.
  8. These relations are found to follow certain perfectly definite rules.
  9. The chemist wants the reaction to go as nearly to completion as possible.
  10. Lansmair’s attempt to account for spectral series without the assumption of moving electrons cannot be said to possess any real value.