
Перевод английских причастий

Сводка способов перевода английских причастий на русский язык

Present Participle Active

Перевод Present Participle Active
 Варианты перевода
Present Participle Active
Примеры перевода
  1. The boy throwing stones into the pond is my brother. - Мальчик, бросающий камни в пруд, – мой брат.
  2. The boys throwing stones into the pond laughed loudly. - Мальчики, бросавшие камни в пруд, громко смеялись.
  3. The boy stood on the bank throwing stones into the pond. - Мальчик стоял на берегу, бросая камни в пруд.
  4. Throwing the letter into the fire he left the room. - Бросив письмо в огонь, он вышел из комнаты.

Past Participle Passive

Перевод Past Participle Passive
 Варианты перевода
Past Participle Passive
Примеры перевода
  1. Stones thrown into the water go to the bottom. - Камни, бросаемые в воду, идут ко дну.
  2. The stone thrown by the boy reached the opposite bank. - Камень, брошенный мальчиком, долетел до противоположного берега.

Present Participle Passive

Перевод Present Participle Passive
 Варианты перевода Present Participle Passive
Present Participle Passive
being thrownбросаемый
будучи брошен
будучи брошен так как (когда) был брошен
Примеры перевода
  1. The stones being thrown by the boys are falling into the water. - Камни, бросаемые мальчиками, падают в воду.
  2. Being thrown carelessly, the stone didn’t reach the opposite bank. - Так как камень был брошен (будучи брошен) небрежно, он не долетел до противоположного берега.

Perfect Participle Active

Перевод Perfect Participle Active
 Перевод Perfect Participle Active
Perfect Participle Active
having thrownбросив
Примеры перевода
  1. Having thrown the ball into the the water, the boy could not get it back. - Бросив мяч в воду, мальчик не мог достать его.

Перевод Perfect Participle Passive
 Перевод Perfect Participle Passive
Perfect Participle Passive
having been thrownтак как (после того как) был брошен
Примеры перевода
  1. Having once been thrown into the water by the children, the dog always ran away when he saw them. - Так как собака была однажды брошена детьми в воду, она всегда убегала при виде их.


Упражнение 28. Определите форму и функцию сложных форм причастий в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
( Скачать и распечатать: Упражнение 28. )

  1. The question being discussed now is very important.
  2. Yesterday the professor told us about his experiments being carried at his laboratory.
  3. The large house being built in our street is a new school.
  4. Being packed in plastic cases the goods arrived in good condition.
  5. Being asked whether he intended to return soon, he answered that he would be away for a couple of weeks.
  6. Having fulfilled the terms of the contract, we refused to admit the claim (признать претензию) of the firm.
  7. Having collected all the necessary material for the report, he started writing it.
  8. He left the office, having finished all the work planned for that day.
  9. Having been sorted the goods were placed in a warehouse.
  10. Having been sent to the wrong fax number, the message was not received by the addressee.
  11. The film being shown now is very interesting.
  12. Being asked for help, he gave us explicit instructions.
  13. Having written the translation, I gave it to the teacher.
  14. Having been written the translation was given to the teacher.
  15. Having been compiled very carefully the manual contained all the necessary instructions.
  16. The house being built in our street will soon be ready.
  17. Being built of prefabricated parts, it will soon be ready.
  18. Having used the device redesigned by a group of our researchers we increased the production of goods.
  19. Being delivered by a famous scientist the lecture was listened to with great attention.
  20. The lecture being delivered by a famous scientist is listened to with great attention.