
Синтаксические функции причастия

Причастие в английском языке

Причастие может выступать в предложении как: определение (все формы, кроме Perfect Participle), обстоятельство (времени, причины, образа действия и др.) часто в сочетании с союзом (when, while, if), часть сказуемого, части сложного дополнения и обстоятельства, выраженные предикативным оборотом. В нижеследующих таблицах систематизируются наиболее общие случаи употребления причастий в этих функциях, а также способы их перевода на русский язык.

Случаи употребления причастий
Present participle active (participle I)
ФункцияЗначениеМесто в предложенииПримерСпособ перевода
Действие, одновременноe с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной формеПеред существительнымThey looked at the flying plane. - Они смотрели на летевший самолет.Причастием на: -щий -вший
После существительногоThe student reading the article is my friend. - Студент, читающий статью, – мой друг.
1 времени
a) Действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной формеВ начале предложения (после союзов when, while)(While) reading the article he used a dictionary. - Читая статью, он использовал словарь.Деепричастием на -а -я
б) Действие, предшесвующее действию, выраженному глаголом в личной формеReceiving the telegram (= When he received the telegram) he rang up the director. - Получив телеграмму (= Когда он получил телеграмму), он позвонил директору.

Coming to the office (=When he came to the office) he sent a fax. - Придя в офис (=Когдаон пришел в офис), он отправил факс.
Деепричастием на -в -я
2 образа действияНа 4-ом месте в предложенииHe ran up to me breathing heavily. - Он подбежал ко мне, тяжело дыша.Деепрчастием на -а -я
3 причиныПосле глагола to beNot knowing her address, he could not write to her. - Не зная ее адреса, мы не могли написать ей.
Часть сказуемого
1 простого глагольного
Действие в процессеПосле глагола to beHe is reading now. - Он сейчас читает.
He has been reading since morning. - Он читает с утра.
Глаголом несовершенного вида
2 составного именногоСостояниеThe trip was extremely tiring. – Поездка была чрезвычайно утомительной.Прилагательным

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Случаи употребления причастий. Таблица 2.
Past participle passive (participle II)
ФункцияМесто в предложенииПримерСпособ перевода
Перед существительнымThe broken part of the machine should be replaced immediately.Сломанная деталь машины должна быть заменена немедленно.Причастием на -мый -ный -тый -вшийся -щийся
После существительногоThe letter written by him is very short.Написанное им письмо очень короткое.
Обcтоятельство 1 времени
В начале предложения (после союза when)(When) Asked whether he would return soon he answered that he would be away for several months. Когда его спросили, скоро ли он вернется, он ответил, что будет отсутствовать в течение нескольких месяцев.Придаточным обстоятельственным предложением
2 причины и других oбстоятельственных значенийВ начале предложения (после союзов as, unless, if и др.)Squееzed by the ice, the steamer could not continue her way. Сжатый льдом (=Так как пароход был сжат льдом), пароход не мог продолжать свой путь.Причастием на -мый -ный -тый
Though expected on Saturday she arrived on Monday. Хотя ее ожидали в субботу, она приехала только в понедельник.Придаточным обстоятельственным предложением
Именная часть составного сказуемого
После глагола to beThe pencil is broken. – Карандаш сломан.Кратким страдательным причастием.

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Упражнение 21. Переведите следующие предложения с Present Participle Active в функции:
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a) определения
  1. The student reading the article doesn’t use a dictionary.
  2. The student reading the article didn’t use a dictionary.
  3. Nowadays there is a growing interest in learning foreign languages.
  4. All visitors touring the art museum were asked to sign the guest book.
  5. He picked up the letter lying on the floor.
  6. People starting to learn a foreign language sometimes find it difficult to memorize words.
  7. Tourists arriving in London visit various museums.
  8. They looked at the train passing by.
  9. We are all concerned about the rising level of pollution.
  10. I think he is the best poet living.
b) обстоятельства
  1. Knowing English well he can read scientific journals without any difficulty.
  2. Knowing English well he could translate articles without a dictionary.
  3. Reading books in the original you will master English very quickly.
  4. Explaining the rule the teacher cited a lot of examples illustrating it.
  5. Testing the engine the engineer applied new methods.
  6. When testing the engine the engineer applied new methods.
  7. While unloading the ship they broke some cases.
  8. He left the room leaving the door open.
  9. Receiving the telegram he hurried up to the station.
  10. Arriving in London we went sightseeing.
c) части сказуемого
  1. She is studying English at the University.
  2. She has been learning English since last autumn.
  3. He was reading a book when I came.
  4. He said he had been working since early morning.
  5. Don’t call him tonight – he will be working at his report.
  6. The film was amusing.
  7. Dick’s answer is surprising.
  8. It was an exhausting walk.
  9. The change of schedule was confusing for all the passengers.
  10. Nick’s courage was astonishing.

Упражнение 22. Определите функцию Present Participle Active в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
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  1. He is telling her an amusing story now.
  2. A person telling us good news is always welcome.
  3. She has been skating since morning.
  4. While skating yesterday he fell and hurt his leg.
  5. When writing the letter he tried to follow the "Golden rules" of writing a letter: a letter should be clear, complete, concise, courteous, correct.
  6. Not knowing the man, I can’t introduce you to him.
  7. His stories are always amusing.
  8. Trains going to Moscow are scheduled to depart every hour.
  9. Receiving an e-mail message he always takes it to the manager.
  10. They have been living in France for years.
  11. They spoke about their relatives living in France.
  12. When I came in he was writing a letter.
  13. Not remembering the title of the book, we had to ask our teacher.
  14. The rising sun was hidden by the clouds.
  15. While examining the old vase we saw some cracks on it.

Упражнение 23. Переведите следующие предложения с Past Participle Passive (Participle II) в функции:
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a) определения
  1. The house built in this street is very beautiful.
  2. The issue discussed at the last meeting is of great importance for our company.
  3. They have to repair the broken parts of this engine.
  4. The data found by the researchers is valuable for their future work.
  5. The composition written by this student is excellent.
  6. We shall use instruments of improved design.
  7. The method proposed by this young researcher was not acceptable.
  8. The results obtained by this group are very good.
  9. There are many illustrated magazines in our reading-room.
  10. The discovery made by him is of great value.
b) обстоятельства и именной части сказуемого
  1. When asked, he answered all the questions.
  2. This book is sold everywhere.
  3. Unless discussed, the new method must not be used.
  4. When translated, the instruction became perfectly understood.
  5. When offered help, he accepted it with gratitude.
  6. Ice melts when heated.
  7. If frozen, water becomes ice.
  8. When corrected, the article was published.
  9. When produced, the parts will be sent to various plants.
  10. As my watch was broken, I had to buy a new one.
  11. If corrected, the article will be published.
  12. When you go through the customs, your luggage will be checked.
  13. When cooled, the solution was tested.
  14. The letters have already been typed.
  15. Packed in cases, the goods were not damaged.
  16. When subjected to high temperature, this substance changes its properties.
  17. This device was installed yesterday.
  18. When installed, the device will be ready for operation.
  19. The project has just been completed.
  20. Completed in due time, the book was accepted by the publishing house.

Упражнение 24. Определите функцию Past Participle Passive в следующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.
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  1. The meeting was attended by over five thousand people.
  2. If asked, he will tell them all about it.
  3. Our manager presented the approved plan to the audience.
  4. The book just referred to has been translated into Russian.
  5. Asked whether she would participate in the conference she answered that she would.
  6. Lake Baikal, known to be the deepest in the world, is fed by 336 rivers.
  7. When asked, he couldn’t answer the question.
  8. The decision taken by him is important for our business operation.
  9. This pencil is broken. Can I have another one?
  10. The match was watched by thousands of people.
  11. The price will be agreed upon during the talks.
  12. Though expected on Sunday, he arrived on Monday.
  13. There are many hidden rocks in the stream.
  14. This firm is interested in the purchase of automobiles produced by our plant.
  15. The terms agreed upon were included in the contract.